The Town Scryer is a mixed bag of humor, socio-political observations and ephemera from the perspective of a eclectic Pagan veteran of the counter-culture.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Windmills Paid to Stop Producing Power

Six Scottish windfarms were paid up to £300,000 to stop producing energy according to the BBC.

    The turbines at various sites across Scotland were stopped because the grid could not absorb all the power they were generating. The REF said energy companies were paid £900,000 to halt the turbines for several hours between 5 and 6 April. 

He added: "In future we need greater electrical energy storage facilities and greater interconnection with our EU neighbours so that excess energy supplies can be sold or bought where required."
A Scottish government spokesman said electricity generated by renewables accounted for 27.4% of Scotland's electricity use.

Remember this when you hear someone tell you that green energy isn't commercially viable.

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