I suppose it was only a matter of time, an inevitable outgrowth of Rule 34*. Dennis Hof, whose Moonlight Bunny Ranch East of Carson City has starred in its very own HBO reality series for several years, has finally noticed that science fiction fans have a lot of disposable income and, according to a LOT of internet jokes, the have trouble impressing women.
Hmmmmm. Might be a business opportunity here!
And so it was that he created "Alien Cathouse" where the discerning fan can fulfill his fantasies. He has enlisted the aid of famous madam Heidi Fleiss to design alien makeup, costuming and perhaps prosthetics?
The store is being rebranded as the Area 51 Alien Travel Center and will feature its own line of merchandise emblazoned with little green men and women.
He did confirm one thing: There will be alien costumes made for employees at the travel center and the women in the brothel.
*Rule #34: "If it exists, there is porn of it."
Be seeing you.